31 Mar 2015

How to impress important people

The way to the top is conquered not only, and I dare say almost nothing, by working, but most especially by impressing people that are above you in the pyramid of power.
Your boss, your boss’s boss and so on. This will grant you a prosper future in the company.

1.       Spot the key players: you need to impress people, so the most important thing to define first is whom to impress. Your boss. But maybe he’s not enough, he might not even be that powerful in the company. His boss? Maybe. The HR people who can easily move you around in the company. The CEO, in the end. You need to pay attention and figure out who is really dealing the cards in your company to set your target.
2.       Start giving small hints: after you set your target, you need to have him or her noticing you. You need to copy him/her in some emails. Not just some email of course. You need to choose carefully an email which will impress him. Maybe you’re working at home in the weekend. And he will know that. Maybe you are doing some extra work that is not part of your role. He will also like to know that. Or maybe just forward compliments that people give you.
3.       Do a good job. This is of course the best way to impress people. However it is usually not noticed as quickly as it should be. So maybe you must underline it to your colleagues and to your boss especially, to people from other department even. That customers love you and praise you, that you take care of things very quickly and efficiently. But be careful how you say it or they might think you don’t have enough stuff to do and award you with more stuff. Choose your words wisely.
4.       Dress elegantly. Even if you like to wear ripped jeans and loose shirts with army boots, that is not a good option to use as office apparel. You might do an excellent job, but with these outfits you will not earn respect. And who doesn’t earn respect, doesn’t earn promotions. Invest in good outfits. A well-tailored suit will boost your career more than 3 months of hard work. Buy good looking quality shoes. Leather purses. A nice trench coat will do millions for you. Go to the hairdresser and ask for a professional haircut. You will not get that raise if you plan on shaving you hair or dye it pink.
5.       If everything else fails, just seduce someone. I know it looks like a very extreme situation, but you don’t need to sleep with that person. Just work on some innuendo, nice but naughty smiles, some cleavage. If people feel desired, they will feel good. And if they feel good, they promote people.

The picture summary for busy people as usual:

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